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Home Staging &
Pre-Move In Painting Services

Selling your home? Stage your home the right way with interior & exterior paint to give your home curb appeal and a fresh new look.

About to purchase a home? Consider how stress-free it is to move into a freshly painted house.

Staging your home? Don’t forget about the paint.

According to“Painting gives you a lot of bang for your buck. … It adds to the curb appeal and the salability of a house when it looks fresh.”

HGTV lists “painting your house” #5 on their top 10 list of things you can do to sell your house.

Painting your house before you put in on the market can not only help sell your home faster but typically helps you sell for higher than the median selling price of comparable houses. 

If you are a Realtor or a For Sale By Owner, Vinton Painting can help freshen up your home and give it the curb appeal you need for a successful sale.

Congratulations, you’ve purchased a new home? Have you considered a fresh coat of paint before moving in?

MOVING can be extremely stressful.

In a 2015 survey of 2,000 adults who had moved within the past three years, almost two in three (61 %) respondents cited “moving” to be at the top of their stress list.

We believe one of the ways you can reduce this stress is to give your new home a fresh coat of paint, inside and out before you move in. New paint in the colors of your choosing, makes you better connected to your new house as it reflects your own personality and style. 

Vinton Painting can help provide that move-in-ready feeling so you can immediately start moving in and enjoying your new home.

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Vinton Painting
1848 Mountain Valley Road
Vinton, VA 24179

Call or Text Us

(540) 871-4200

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