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Residential Exterior Painting Project Bond

Painted new brick driveway walls, chimneys, and caps, glazed and painted over a dozen windows, with 70 panes of glass, touched up exterior brick walls of the house

Project Image Gallery

This is a family owned business. The father and son did our work and brought all those family values you hope for when you hire someone to do some work. They were professional, friendly, reliable, always on time, on schedule, and on top of their game.

We were so pleased with their work that we will never hire anyone else to do this sort of work than Vinton Professional Painting. I have no reservations about recommending them to all other Angie’s list members who want the job done right.

Bond Family

Roanoke, Virginia

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Vinton Painting
1848 Mountain Valley Road
Vinton, VA 24179

Call or Text Us

(540) 871-4200

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